Current Workstreams

Current Projects

This page offers a short summary of all CPOC's live workstreams under each of the pillars of the CPOC Strategy

Improving patient outcomes and experience

CPOC has launched several new resources around the 7 perioperative interventions. These include:

1. Smoking Cessation webpage - dedicated to stopping smoking resources that includes an infographic to support patients to stop smoking and guide for healthcare professionals

2. Alcohol Moderation webpage - read a blog by our Deputy Director Prof Scarlett McNally on the importance of reducing alcohol in the perioperative period, as well as signposting to other resources

3.  Exercise - staying active is one of the best things that patients can do whilst waiting for surgery. Those who get fitter before surgery lower their risk of complications, leading to less time in intensive care, shorter bed stays and better outcomes. Read more about the resources available 

4. Nutrition in perioperative care. Talking all things around balanced nutrition and the 6 simple messages

5. Mental Wellbeing - launched on World Mental Health Day, this page talks about how surgery isn't only a physical ordeal, but a mental one as well

6 & 7 will be coming soon! Look out for resources on practical preparedness and shared decision making

CPOC launched a two-page quick summary of the National Safety Standards of Invasive Procedures (NatSSIPs). This is mini education for anyone who does invasive procedures and the teams that support them. This is to ensure that every patient gets through their procedure safely. It also improves team-working and efficiency

CPOC is scoping out current work taking place on the interface between primary and secondary care. Communication and seamless working across this area of the pathway is vital to ensure that perioperative care can be successful. CPOC will be contacting relevant stakeholders shortly.

CPOC is working to implement all published CPOC Guidelines in practice and is exploring ways in which trusts can embed the guideline recommendations with resources and support.

Empowering patients, carers and the public

CPOC has a Patient & Public Engagement Network (PPEN) dedicated to empowering patients, carers and the public. CPOC progresses a number of innovative and exciting collaborations with its patient facing partners since its origin in 2019.  On 18 June 2024, PPEN hosted a webinar designed to bring together lay and patient representations from both its Board and Advisory Group partners, as well as patient organisations and charities. The aim is to understand better the needs of patients and public engagement from a perioperative perspective. To read a summary of the webinar please see our Latest News 

Educating and developing the workforce

CPOC has been commissioned by NHS England to develop a curriculum in perioperative care. Led by Prof Danny Conway as the CPOC Education Lead. This work is currently out for public consultation and we want your feedback. To read how you can do so, click here 

CPOC is in discussion with the RCoA’s content team to create perioperative care focused podcasts. There will likely be three podcasts initially covering topics such as health inequalities and shared decision making.  

CPOC offers a 12-month fellowship every year. We have just appointed for 2024/25 but look out around February 2025 for details of the next opportunity 

Influencing Policy

CPOC is currently reviewing its approach to influencing policy to raise the profile of the perioperative agenda.

CPOC launched its 2024 Manifesto ahead of the forthcoming general election to provide ideas for political parties to incorporate into their own manifestos. We advocate for the NHS to continue to mandate perioperative care with the establishment of a transformation fund to overcome initial financial barriers to setting perioperative services up; and the incorporation of perioperative care into the inspection frameworks of organisations such as the CQC.

Promoting research, technology and innovation

CPOC has been awarded funding to host a Health Foundation Special Interest Group (SIG) in partnership Macmillan, which launched in July 2023. The focus of the SIG is prehabilitation and rehabilitation, supporting and optimising peoples’ physical and mental health in advance of, during and beyond treatment for cancer and other long-term conditions. We aim to help patients prepare for treatment by helping them to be better informed, less anxious about their treatment and Fitter, Better, Sooner. Board partners are asked to promote this SIG via your networks. 

The SIG hosts monthly webinars during lunchtime. To find out more click here

As well as everything above, we have lots of new blogs and case studies for you to read.
Catch up on our latest news and newsletters


This page will be updated as new projects are developed. If you have any questions about any of the projects please contact us at