Shared decision making - a joint CPOC/RCoA podcast part 2


In this two-part podcast from the Centre for Perioperative Care and the Royal College of Anaesthetists former CPOC Fellow Dr Sam Moore and Dr Stuart Connal explore shared decision making - its definitions, usage, and many nuances in the interaction between clinicians and patients. 

This podcast features guests Dr Sam Finnikin, Dr Gemma Hughes, and Leila Finikarides, and is split into two separate episodes, both available to listen below. Sam, Gemma, and Leila share their personal and professional perspectives on shared decision-making - its importance in the patient-clinician relationship, language, and even when the idea of a shared decision may be counterproductive. 

For ideas to benefit your own clinical practice, and for insights into the latest research and practices in this area, make sure you listen to both parts of this fascinating conversation.

Dr Sam Moore

Sam is an ST6 anaesthetic registrar in the North West. She is an academic trainee with research interests in prehabilitation and human physiology in extreme environments. She was the 2023-2024 Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) fellow.

Dr Stuart Connal

Stuart is an ST7 anaesthetic registrar in North Central London. He took time out of training to complete a Fellowship and MSc in Perioperative Medicine at University College London. His interests include shared decision making & communication of risk; neuroanaesthesia; teaching & education; and equality, diversity & inclusivity.

Dr Sam Finnikin

Sam is GP and Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham with a specialist interest in shared decision making and personalised care. He was previously a national clinical specialist advisor in personalised care for NHS England.

Dr Gemma Hughes

Gemma is an Associate Professor of healthcare management at the Leicester University School of Business. She has an expertise in qualitative research and is a lead researcher on the OSIRIS (Optimising Shared decision-makIng for high-RIsk major Surgery) programme.

Leila Finikarides

Leila worked at the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication at the University of Cambridge - and led a project delivering Decision Support Tools for NHS England. She has recently supported an update of patient information resources for the RCoA.