CPOC launches NHS waiting list patient experience survey

We are pleased to announce that today the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) has launched our first ever survey of patients and their experiences of being on the NHS waiting list for elective surgery.  

With over 5 million people now on the NHS waiting list in England, or nearly 9% of England’s adult population, this survey will be exploring their experiences in more depth to better understand how we can support them while they wait. 

Patients who are physically and mentally prepared for their operation have less complications following their procedure, report higher quality care and more satisfaction, and are able to get back home and back to their lives sooner.  It also helps the NHS avoid late or on the day cancellations of surgery. 

With this survey we’ll be asking what patients most want and need to turn ‘waiting lists’ for surgery into ‘preparation lists.’ This could include more support to help patients lose weight or stop smoking before their operation or manage a long-term health condition like diabetes. If the NHS is to tackle the backlog of elective care effectively, it’s vital that all patients are ready for the NHS for when the NHS is ready for them. 

CPOC will be using the results to help shape the UK’s first ever perioperative care policy Green Paper, which will be published in Autumn 2021. 

Lawrence Mudford, Patient Representative for CPOC, said: 

"I am so pleased that CPOC is leading the development of the UK’s first ever perioperative green paper.  A green paper is often the first step to seeing change happen in healthcare. My role as a patient representative has reinforced to me just how important it is for the patient voice to be not only be heard, but to be understood by clinicians, politicians and those who administer the NHS. This survey will give a strong and vital steer to seeing change in action". 

Taking the survey

All patients who have recently had surgery (any time over the last five years) or are currently on the NHS waiting list are invited to participate in this 10-minute survey. The survey can be accessed here. It closes on 18 July.