A blog by Dr Karin Ingram on cancer prehabiliation services within the Northumbria Healthcare Trust
A blog from June Davis Lead Allied Health Professional and Nursing Advisor, Macmillan Cancer Support and Director, Allied Health Solutions on the importance of improvement projects
Macmillan's blog on the joint Special Interest Group on Prehabilitation
Our Deputy Director, Professor Scarlett McNally, wrote an article about frailty for the BMJ, citing CPOC's resources
Patient Perspective: Dignity Boxes, Patient Representative, Fran Pitt
Patient Perspective: Prostate Cancer, Lay representative, Bob Evans
Blog by Dr Gregory Warren on the NHS long term workforce plan and how it aligns with CPOC's key strategic aims
Lawrence Mudford writes about special interest groups and patient experience, including the prehabilitation SIG CPOC and Macmillan Cancer Support have launched.
A blog from a patient perspective on the elective recovery plan