Read a blog from Lorraine Horton-Smith a Senior Lecturer, Operating Department Practice & Perioperative Studies, University of Huddersfield on perioperative care, ODPs and our green paper project
Find out how perioperative care and public health go hand in hand by reading our blog from Professor Maggie Rae
Read Dr Nicholas Levy blog on CPOC's newly published guideline for the Perioperative Care for People with Diabetes Undergoing Elective and Emergency Surgery
Influencing and Supporting clinical policies into perioperative practice
We’re delighted to announce today that the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) has started work on the UK’s first ever Green Paper on perioperative care.
A blog by Dr Barker a Consultant Anaesthetist at Sherwood Forest Hospitals on the impact prehabilitation can have on surgical outcomes
Fitter Better Sooner - helping patients recover from surgery more quickly
An attendees insight into a shared decision making
A look into the resumption of routine surgery and the impact on risk for patients with diabetes